Hydroplane Accident: Lacerated Liver
Tilton, NH
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Hi! My name is Erin H. and I live in a small town in NH. This summer I had just dropped my boyfriend off at work in Tilton, a town about 30 miles from my house, and I was on my way back home. It was the afternoon of September 8, and we hadn't really had any rain all summer until that day. It had been pouring for hours, so the roads were extremely slippery. I was traveling down I-93 south in the right lane at about 55-60 MPH. I thought I would be fine because I was staying under the 65 MPH speed limit, and there were plenty of people passing me going at least 75. Everything was fine until I came to a long left hand turn going through the town of Canterbury. About halfway through the turn I felt my car start to hydroplane.
I slid across the highway, picking up speed to about 65. I was absolutely frozen in panic and the last thing I remember is knowing that I was about to go into the guardrail (on the left side of the highway). I blacked out on impact, but woke up after only a few seconds~right in time to see that my car was facing the wrong way on the highway and still moving at a high rate of speed.
I blacked out again and woke up when my car hit the guardrail on the OTHER side of the highway, wedged underneath it with my two left wheels lifted slightly off the ground. It took me a second to realize that the car had stopped moving, and a minute later I started to realize what had happened. I dialed 911 on my cell phone and almost right away a passerby pulled over to help me. A few minutes later another man pulled over who just happened to be an emergency room doctor in Massachusetts. I had excruciating pain shooting through my head, neck, arms, legs, and lower abdomen. With the help of a lot of wonderful people I was extracted from the car and transported to Concord Hospital. I had muscle& ligament damage in my neck, a concussion, and a partially lacerated liver. Due to modifications done to my car my airbags had been disconnected. Obviously, they didn't go off, causing my seat belt to inflict the liver damage and severe bruising across my chest. Although I did sustain injuries from it, my seat belt also saved my life.
Had I not been wearing it I would no doubt have been ejected from the car and paralyzed or killed. Thank God, also, for the fact that there were no other cars around me on the highway~I can't imagine what would have happened if I had been travelling near other cars or if my boyfriend had still been in the car, because he never used to wear his seat belt. My car was totalled, which was devastating to me.
I had full insurance, but it didn't cover any of the modifications to the car including my 1500 dollar body kit. I had put over 2500 dollars into the car just that summer, and I lost it all. My advice to anyone that reads this is wear your seat belt, and drive safely. Although I was under the speed limit I realize now that I was still going too fast for the conditions, and trying to save myself a couple of minutes that day almost cost me my life. I also recommend that if you get any major work done to your car, get the airbags checked afterwards. Body shops and mechanics often disconnect them for their safety while doing work, but once in a while they forget to plug them back in or reset them. Thanks for reading my story and a BIG thank you to all the people who helped my that day~thanks!I have attached pics of my totalled car.
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