Road Rage Wreck
New Stanton PA
This Crash: Pic 1 | Pic 2 |Pic 4 | Pic
5 | Pic 6
This accident occurred on 8/2/2006 at about 10pm on i-70 in pa near new stanton pa. as you see it was a very bad accident. this is a result of 2 cars road raging with each other. i was minding my own buisness when this occured. I WAS NOT PART OF THE ROAD RAGE. one car stop dead in front of the other right at exit 43 as i was going by. then the one car pulled from behind the other into my path. i was in the passing lane. there was nothing i could do. it happen so fast . i do not remember most of the accident. i hit the dodge derango in the drivers front corner just at the drivers door. him and his girlfriend are lucky to be alive. i was pulled to the right about 3 lanes and hit the cement underside of the bridge. and went clean out the otherside. i did not lose the load. all this damage occured uprite. there was moderate damage to trailer and load. i am still off work. i have had 1 surgery on my neck and awaiting another on my back. this was wittenessed by other people as stated in accident report. 1 car got away. it would be nice to find that person so i could kick the living shit out of them. this has devestated mine and my families lives. but as i already said, this is the result of 4-wheelers and some of the idiots that drive them. i do have video of accident scene and of other car but no pictures. i will try to get some stills from video. thanx jimmy c. ohio