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"And then from nowhere a tram collided into the passanger side of the car at 64 km/h"
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HEllo. Here'S some pix from Hungary again. Hi. One of my m8's car got totaled in a collision. Hungary/Budapest fall of 2006, twilight.
His father was driving, and he was about to cross an intersection (a main road) and continue straight. In Hungary trams always go on the middle of roads, and sometimes rails are integrated directly into the road, and turning vehicles are allowed (have to) cross it. A truck was parking on the road illegally, and blocket the view to the right. He checked traffic from the left. Everything was OK. Slowly forwarded a little more to check traffic on the right. And then from nowhere a tram collided into the passanger side of the car at 64 km/h (according to police report). As tram has only symbolic lights, the driver could not see/expect it, and there were no time for tram driver to do anything (can't maneuver with a tram). The passanger stuck in the car, and firefighters had to get him out with cutting blowpipe. They are all OK now. The driver has been banned from driving for 5 month.
Driver of the truck wasn't even involved. The damage expert of the insurrance company said the wreck worths around 700.000 HUF. The car worthed 7 Million HUF brand new, and it was only 4 years old. The remains of the car were about to be sold as parts, but just then a fanatic Citroen collector have bought it all, and now he is trying to make the car run again.Klimetsch T.
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