Porsche 911 Head-on Accident
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April 14, 1999 I was involved in a auto accident with a later model Dodge 1 ton pickup towing a piece of farm equipment. I was traveling aproximately 65 mph in the opposite direction,in a Porsche 911, when a pheasant flew at my windshield causing me to swerve into the oncoming lane.
The driver of the truck was traveling aproximately 55 mph when we collided head-on. At impact my vehicle was torn in to three seperate pieces and I was ejected from the vehicle. The driver of the truck suffered minor injuries and was transported by ambulance to a near by hospital. In critical condition I was life- flighted to a hospital 60 miles away. Fractures included: both femurs, right hip, left fibula, left foot, left radius, left ulna and multiple metacarpal fractures. Other injuries included damaged tendons, nerves and muscle. By grace I am here today to share the story. Please be aware, prepared and safe.
-James G. Submitted 8 January 2001
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