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High Speed Chase Fatal Accident
Melbourne, Australia
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"....these guys... lived life to the fullest and thought they were invincible" See below for pics and full story.
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On June 19 2002, Melbourne, a friend of mine who I went to school with was in a serious car accident which also involved 4 other mates.
The car had earlier been stolen and it was reported to police. At a set of lights a police car came up behind the stolen car and flashed the lights the driver immediately drove through the red light and the chase was on.
The police van got up to speeds of about 140 km/h(100km/h is roughly 62miles and hour) the police called off the chase and then minutes later they came in contact with the car and this time the driver really took off and were in pursuit again the driver took a slight corner but ended up sliding along the opposite lane until it was almost going head on with another car the car swerved and couldn't correct it back and went across the opposite side of the road onto the side strip it took out a pole and a brick fence the impact was herendous leaving pretty much nothing left of the car.
Amazingly one of the passengers walked away with a hop from a sore ankle and bruised eye but the others weren't so lucky....... the driver had a piece of wood impale his chest, one mans head was decapitated and my friend unfortunately died from internal bleeding, luckily the other guy survived but had to endure rehabiliatation. the driver was 27 years of age and my friend shaun was 16 the other guy was 18. it shows how delicate life is when three young guys with a whole life ahead of them is cut off.
Sure they were in the wrong by being a part of a joy ride in a stolen car but if u knew these guys u would understand they lived life to the fullest and thought they were invincible. Us people in Australia arent used to these kind of things because of having a law for wearing seatbelts and don't usually lose more than one or two lives in a serious car accident, but the facts that it was 3 young men killed by something so worthless without having to say it this is a tragedy. Take care people.
Dean S.See More Pictures of Fatal Car Accidents >>
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