Car Crash Submit Yours!

Car Crash Pictures, Story or Video Clip? Send them to us!!!

This web site was built by our millions of viewers who have sent in their experiences and shared their pictures and stories. The stories told on range from those of tragic loss, narrow escapes, cautionary tales and routine rear enders. You are invited to share your story with the millions of visitors we receive from around the world.

Guidelines for Sending Your Pictures and Story Via Email to us:

Step 1. Send your Photos.
Please use either a jpg, bmp or gif format.

Step 2. Tell us your story, there is no limit to what you can send us but please try include a description, date of the accident, (make model of the vehicle if known) and the accident location (City, State, or the Country if outside US). This makes for a more interesting page! You agree to our terms and conditions.
Step 3. Send your photos and story to our email: Thank you!

Video Clips: Send them to our email or if the clip is larger than 10MB email us a link! Crash Video Page >>

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where are the pictures and stories posted?
A: New Photos and Stories are Posted almost every day (it depends on when we get them!): They previously appeared here: gallery first: gallery #1 >> | Now we post Direct to the home page >>>>

Q: I sent my story and Pictures in and do not see them.
A: Check above. Otherwise feel free to send them again, as some pics and stories may not always reach us.

Q: How do I add a comment to a picture or story?
A: Please send it to the email address above with the date/description of the item you are commenting on: Title your email "CA Comment."

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