Audi A-6 Rollover Wreck
I-684 New York
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This accident happened in December 18,2004 at 10:17 pm as
i was treveling on i-684 southbound just south of the exit 6a
as i was treveling from my girlfriends hause in the far left
lane at the aproxemeant speed of 80 to 85 (yes i was going a
littel bit over the limit but there was no one on the highway)
and i was treveling with another passenger in the car who was
not my girlfriend both of us were not wearing our seat bealts
as i saw a black suv trevealing in front of me way below the
poasted speed lit i wanted to pass him what i did not relize
was that there was another car treaveling in the seanter lane
going even faster than i was as i started to enter the senter
lane the car in the center lane had not had time to stop or do
anything becouse from what the witnesses say he was going well
over 100 mph so the other driver cliped the far left corner of
my rear end which send me in to the ditch on the right of the
highway when i hit the tree which ripped off my wheel which coussed
my car to flip 5 times finaly stopping on its roof
thank you very much Dennis
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