General George S Patton Car Crash Accident
Patton died on December 21,1945 from injuries sustained in a car accident that happened in Occupied Germany on December 9, 1945.
The accident occurred one day before Patton was to return to the United States. In one account Patton was riding in a 1939 Cadillac Model 75 with his chief of staff, Major General Hobart R. Gay while being driven by PFC Horace Woodring. Patton was sitting in the back seat with Gay. At some point a 2.5 ton truck driven attempted a left-hand turn towards a side road in fornt of the Cadillac near Neckarstadt, Germany. The Cadillac crashed into the truck throwing Patton violently forward. Patton's head hit a metal partition between the front and back seats resulting in severe injuries. Gay and the driver Woodring were unharmed. Patton was left paralyzed and died of a heart attack or embolism on December 21, 1945 at the military hospital in Heidelberg. His wife came but he wa sunable to speak to her. This is the offical version of the accident and death. There is much speculation that Patton due to his unpopular views
and political potential was assassinated by either the USSR or US ( see picture of the crash and more theories below).


The official story on Patton has been challenged and there is a great deal of controversy about the facts and circumstances of his death. Most versions of the story are that the fatal accident occurred in his Cadillac staff car pictured above. In a second story it is said that Patton was uninjured after the crash, where he was transferred to a jeep, which in turn crashed in a second accident causing the injuries.
Mystery surround the crash. It is alleged that 1) The name of the driver of the truck that hit Patton's Cadillac and the exact details were never fully disclosed. 2) Second crash? It is alleged that on the way to the hospital Patton's vehicle was then hit again bylarge Army truck, causing much more serious injuries. Have more info? Send it to and we will post it right here on this page.
George S Patton is buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in Hamm, Luxembourg with Soldiers of the US Third Army. Patton's car was repaired and displayed at the General George Patton Museum in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
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