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Red Ford Escort Wreck
Belgrade, Serbia
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Hi! Yestreday, at around 22h (10 P.M.) a few loud bangs woke up my neighboorhood. I got out on my window and saw a cloud of dust on the street and headlights standing upside-down. I emiddiatly ran outside and saw a Toyota rav 4 laying on its side, few men standing on it trying to get the driver out, and piceces of car, drivers luggage and semaphore shattered across the street! In the time I got to the crashed car the driver was pulled out and was ok, but he was so drunk that he had hard time standing properly. He even tried to put the car back on wheels and continue his driving; he was so drunk that he wasnt aware of what happend!
Anuway, what happend is that he lost control of his car at speed beyond speed limit and hit the curb, road sing and semaphore. Car then spun arround and rolled over on its roof and stopped on the codriver side. Airbags deployed and saved the driver from any injury. God thing no one was standing on the sidewalk and no cars where around in that moment.
And now the unlikly part of the story: few minutes after I got back in the flat another loud bang came from the street. I ran outside and I couldn't believe what I see: another crash happend on the same spot! Some guy in white Ford Fiesta stopped to take look at the accident when a young driver in Ford Escort rear-ended him at relativly high speed! No one was hurt, but the Ford Escort was totaled.
City: Belgrade
Country: Serbia
Date: 2 February 2008.
Car: Silver Toyota RAV 4 (and later red Ford escort and white Ford fiesta)
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