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Cambra CaThis Collision: Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5 | Photo 6 | Photo 7 | Photo 8 | Photo 9 | Photo 10
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These are the many picture that were taken that day it was on 07-07-07 it a day me an my wife will never forget it was the day of our wedding in Cambra Ca. This happen that eveneaning. My best man Donald was driving home from my widding in my 2002 chevy s-10 extrame. With our friend garald and my lovey Aunt, who i have stayed with for also most my whole life. She was like my mother, this was the most happiest day for her. She had been through a lot spending a lot of time in hospitals and doctor office. Still there all that she try to take care of the world would give her last dollor to feed you and any thing she had to help. So loving of a people you never will find any one better.
Well on that afternoon my uncle (my best man) lost control of the truck just out side hardford Califorina along the 41 state highway. And the truck frist strated to go in to the middle line and him and the pasager grald put the car to the out side of the road where their was a small valley on the side whitch with the lowness of the body kit that comes stock on the extrame. Cause the truck to filp over. landing on the roof top. ejecting my dear lovely aunt out. She pass away right there. ending her pain that she when through dayly. I found out by a phone call from my sister passing by and see the truck thinking it was me. She stop also in the car with her was her two sons my two other brothers and other sister. they all seen my Aunt which they all knew. So end our honeymoon and coming to see what happen me and my wife spend most that night in the hosipal with my uncle and our friend
garald. Through all that I Still pray the lord that I know she is with him she was ready to go but I for sure was not ready to lose her so every 7 of every month I reameber her. I Love you Tia Melissa (shorty). Best day of my life followed by the worst Steve H.
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