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Head on Collision
Amhurst, Nebraska

This Severe Crash: Pic 1

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Severe Car Crash

This was almost my coffin in January 28, 2001....I was the passenger and asleep while the driver was drunk and high on meth. 3 miles from Amhurst, Nebraska on a river bridge he hit a car head on 65 miles per hour.

The other car we hit with people got minor injuries and the guy I was with got a few scratches and was going to leave me there cause he thought he had killed me but I was the one that got hurt the worst I was knocked out unconscious, screwed my left eye up that now needs surgery, my brain bleed so much they shaved the top of my head and drilled a hole in my skull to releive pressure and I received lots of brain damage, I got a 9 and half inch cut on my head that received staples, broke my ribs, left arm and collar bone, I lascerated my liver and had my spleen emergency took out and I have lots of problems with my left side.......I just found out he had no driver's liscense, no insurance, and there were fake plates on the car....I've talked to a lawyer about trying to get some money for not working for so long cause of this and they basically say I am screwed and won't receive nothing but I could sue him but it's not even worth it cause the state and other insurance company are doing that and by the time it would be my turn I would'nt get nothing if there ever was anything to get, he can't even pay his chid support....S o I am trying to get back on my feet again if I ever can and get things again cause I have lost so many things because of this my car, everything, I eat off of food pantries cause I have nothing...But I am just grateful that I am here........Just don't drive under the influence stay home and go where ever you gotta go when your sober......Cause I know I have got more time than money!!!

Karin J.

Submitted 21 May 2002

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