Toyota Corolla Crash
Hurst, Texas
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It was on May 25, 2000, at 7:30pm. I was traveling east on Texas
Highway 10 in Hurst, Texas in my 2000 Toyota Corolla. Right when
I was going through the intersection of highway 10 and precinct
line road a gray Honda Odyssey mini Van ran the red light.
I slammed on the brakes, but I could stop in time and I slammed
into the rear driver side of the van causing it to spin several
times in to a light pole. My little Corolla ended up in the middle
of the intersection backwards. I was just going down the street
to McDonalds, and though "Nah, I wont need my seat belt"
The force was SO great, it through me in to the steering wheel
causing me to dislocate my jaw and bend the steering wheel back.
I jammed my knee in to the dash, which sliced my knee wide open.
I had 3 broken ribs and Also the back of my head hit the roof
of my car giving me a concussion and knocking me unconscious!
When I awoke, I was on a back board in the ER. With my whole
family over me. I so sore, and I just wanted to go home. After
6 months I was fully healed. I still have a scar on my knee and
really bad head aches. From then on, I ALWAYS wear my seat belt,
no matter how short the distance!