BMW Crashes into Nissan Pathfinder: Caused by Sun
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My accident took place in February 22, 2003, approx. at 5:40 p.m., when I was taking my GREEN, making a left turn.I am 16 years old, and "luckily" 2 girls from around my age where the ones who crashed at me. I was waiting my GREEN light to turn left, and when it finally did I departured earlier than the rest of the cars. Two girls didnt accounted for the RED light, and they said it was because the sun blocked their view. Well, I saw all the front part of my car beeing blowned away. I looked right to my friend next to me and I see their Pathfinder going on 2 wheels, then loosing control, and then flying and fliping like 2 or 3 times. Their vehicle was devastated and I hadnt seen mine. Me and my friend were paralysed. At that moment I only thinked of my car and I couldnt believe it. Maybe I was selfish on not preocuping about the other car's flips and persons inside it, but it all occured so FAST!
People from places around came running towards me, and they got me out of the car with great hospitality, same to the girls in the other car. My car was left intact inside and in the same place, and my friend and I didnt suffered from any harm or any pain. When we walk toward the other car, that was like 40 feet away, we realize that we were "lucky" because they were 2 girls from around our age and they seemed nice. But the girls were not in as good conditions as we were. One of them got a fractured leg and a burn with hot coolant in the palm of her foot, and the other one got lashes around her neck.
The other car came at great speed, near 60 m.p.h. I guess me and my friend were lucky after all. Nothing happened to us, and if we would have been a little bit more ahead, the Pathfinder would have squashed the soft convertible top of my car or maybe blown us away by the middle in 2 parts, or ... WHO KNOWS!?
I loved my car so much! and I can get no equal around here. It was an '88 BMW but it looked almost like new. It scored TOTAL LOSS because the fixing was probably more expensive that the car itself and because the engine and the chassis moved.
I wanted to submit this because my life has changed a lot since then. I have no car at the time and I am driving with more responsability now. I didnt believed that accidents could be so severe before. They end up lifes rapidly and spontaneously.
For me, driving is an even higher responsability. It was hard learning it for myself.
HellNataku S.
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