Thrown out of the passenger side window,
January 2, 1994
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Location: Magnolia, Arkansas by Lake Columbia
Car: Pick up truck Date: January 2, 1994
My wreck happened on January 2, 1994. I was in the truck with
a couple of friends who were drunk. They were both drunk, and
I was sober. I was a passenger in the truck. We were going about
120mph when we hit a huge Oak tree and uprooted it. I was thrown
into the windshield and then thrown out of the passenger side
window. I broke my nose, dislocated my hip, sprang both of my
ankles, split my forehead completely open, and severed nerves
in my knee. The guys who were with me were almost completely
unharmed. I was in the hospital for a week, and out of school
for about 2 mos.
Jennifer B.
Submitted: July 26, 2000
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