Chevy S-10 Truck Loses Control
Tire Blow Out
This Tire Crash Picture 2
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I was comeing back from kansas back home to mississippi when i was i-35 and my back driver side tire blow out i was in the left lane.
I went in to the ditch and hit a cement drain in the ditch. When i hit that i went back up on to then highway but i was on the wrong side of the road i was in the on comeing traffice and made it through with out hitting any one and i ended up in the ditch. I was lucky to make it out getting hurt.
This happend just only two months after i got out of highschool in june i was not wearing my set belt but now every time i get in a car i bluck up. On the pic where my window is down that is as far as i can put it up after my wreak. sorry i forget to add some things i was in oklahoma is where i wreaked and i was driving a chevrolet s-10 do you think you could add this to my story
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