Jeep Rear Ended by Honda
Marin County, California
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This Story Page 1 (Honda that hit this Jeep- Looks Worse!)
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To whom it may concern: I was driving to school as traffic started to get thick in Marin County, California (north of the Golden Gate Bridge).
I slowed down and was crawling at about 5 mph with the rest of traffic. I look in the rear view as a woman doing hell knows what probably on her cell phone doing makeup and changing CD's, comes flying in at full speed. She finally realized to slow down, but it was too late and skidded into my 97' Jeep Grand Cherokee at about 35 + mph. Thanks to the weight of my college supplies, my rear was weighed down enough to put my hitch smack in the middle of her honda's grill which pierced through the radiator and engine block! Oil and radiator fluid was all over the highway. If not for the extra weight she would have missed my hitch and hit the gas tank.
I came out fine, but she was a bit dazed and bruised. The scary part was that her air bags didn't go off.
I drove away as if nothing had happened. The only damage to my vehicle was my bumper being push up letting me barely lift my tail gate open.
To make a long story attention to the road! and a hitch is a great investment even if you dont tow anything.
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