Jeep Cherokee Crashed
Litchfield, Connecticut
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It happened on May 31, 2002 on friday night at 11:45pm Hi my name is Chris,17 and My friend name is Kevin, 18,We are deaf kid and Chris was driving his 1987 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 4x4. On friday night, we are going for joy ride and we went to Litchfield from Torrington, Ct. The red 1998 Ford Ranger 2 door and the Ranger if full of people in it, the Ranger chased my back of my truck and drove in Old South Road.
I was traveling at 42 mph and the speed limit is 45mph but the road is too slippery because it had bad storm, there is no sign says SHARP CURVE so i hit the tree and flip over 2 times and the Ranger lost control and went off the road into the wood.. I was uninjuried and kevin gets cracked on his hip becuase he was not using seat belt and i dont use seat belt too. the truck was landing upside down with spilled oil. We went to see the Ranger and they are okay. Kevin and I rushed to hospital for kevin's hip and i'm minor and i have NO PAIN AT ALL. What a stupid thing that i go for nothin.
The next day we get the truck back and it totaled wrecked.. Engine is cracked. Good thing that we alive!!! Don't drive too fast during night because you will miss the sign or will happened because it was DARK...
Thank youSubmitted 7 July 2002
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