Chevy Blazer T-bones Drivers Side
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2/24/99 17 y.o. male ran a stop sign driving a Chevy Blazer, traveling approx. 50 in a 25 zone, T-boned my drivers side.
Thank God I wasn't wearing my seat belt, I would have been cut in halve. The drivers side door moved in 2 feet, obliterating the area I would have been belted to. I received multiple injuries. The initial impact broke a bone in my neck, with major tissue damage, I broke 3 ribs on my left side, and bruised the rest, on both sides. I was legally blind in my left eye for a year recovering from the window exploding in my face. I had a golf ball size knot above my left ear from my head bouncing off of the hood of the intruding vehicle, these are just to name a few of my injuries. I was told by several of the rescue persons on the scene that it was a miracle I wasn't killed. The initial impact pushed my car 45 feet sideways where it hit a curb, breaking my right rear axle, and ripping the tire from the rim. My car continued up on the curb breaking off a stop sign and a fire-hydrant at the ground. In the right side photo, if you look closely you can see the imprint of the sign pole, and the hydrant. It's been 2+ years since the crash, and I still can't work from the injuries to my neck and knee. The whole story is over 300 pages long, so far.I'm still working on first years events. I have 800+ pieces of evidence to take into the; still pending trial. It won't be over for some time to come.
The moral of my story is; Insurance Companies and Attorney's have their best interest in mind, not yours. "And" if you have an Attorney; make them inform you of every move they plan on making in your behalf. I would even go so far as to say "Never Settle Out Of Court", make them work for their cut.
Submitted by Sam H on June 9,2001
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