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Formula Firebird Totalled after One Week
Dallas, Texas
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Hi my name is Bobby. I work for a company in the Dallas Texas area. I moved to Dallas in February of this year & it has be exciting. I have a story you will not want to believe.
I moved to Dallas in February. Within the first week of living here a friend of mine took my keys to my 1996 Formula Firebird & totaled it. He was not injured. Luckily for me my insurance company covered it & I was able to purchase a 1998 black Trans Am. Less than one week of owning it I loss control on a wet road. I was only going 45 mph. The car slammed into a light pole. Luckily I didn't get a scratch on me but the car wasn't so lucky.
As always luck is on my side & the insurance company covered that one to. So now I have a 1999 pewter Trans Am. I plan on keeping this one for awhile. Sorry I do not have a picture of the white one wrecked but it didn't look as bad as the one I did.
Submitted by Bobby June 28, 2001
The New Car!
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