Real Bad Car Accident:I was in the hospital for over 3 weeks. There is not to much that I remember about the hospital but the crazy morphine visions.
"I saw little people"
This Bad Crash: Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 6 | Pic 7
There is no one else to thank for this miracle but God and prayers!
Just take a look at these photos and I'll fill you in as we go.
I was in a head-on collision on November 29, 2000. It was about 9:00p.m., I was on a small two-lane backroad, when a guy was passing another car going up a hill, and hit me head-on at the top of the hill. It pushed my car backwards about 20 feet up against some rocks, his car landed just across the street from mine, caught on fire then exploded. He was ejected from the car and suffered from a broken leg. I was crunched in my car with the gas pedals almost to my hips.
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I was in the hospital for over 3 weeks. There is not to much that I remember about the hospital but the crazy morphine visions.
"I saw little people"
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As of April 20, 2001, I have been walking for 1 month. It is hard and painful to get your muscles back after that long.
As of now, things are headed for the better. I still stay sore, my body aches, and my muscles stay knotted up! The guy that hit me had a court date for aggravated assault wreckless driving, and speeding. He didn't show up for court.
Now the court date is July 9, 2001. They have suspended his license. (I'll keep you posted...)
Here I am just a little over a month after the accident. Somehow, I kept a smile on my face. I have an external fixator on my pelvis, and also on my right ankle. My body stayed swollen for a couple of months.
As of May 20, 2001, I am walking around with crutches a little bit. I go to physical therapy three days a week for two hours. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to see if I can start walking without the boot on my right ankle. It will be sore, but I guess it will stregnthen up.
Submitted by Laura on June 12, 2001
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