Ford Thunderbird Crushed
Highway 7, Nova Scotia
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Trailers Suck This was my 1994 Ford Thunderbird. It was totalled on the night of November 10, 2002. I was on Highway 7 Eastbound. A large Ford F350 was headed Westbound pulling an 18 foot flatbed trailor. His driveway was on the Southside of the highway and he turned across my side of the road to pull into his driveway. I slammed on the brakes from 70 mph and by the time i got there his trailor was stretched across the double lane highway.
We slammed into the side of the tail end of the trailor and spun around facing the opposite direction, sliding about 50 to 60 more feet down the highway. We were stuck in the middle of the road, immoble, then we jumped out, ran and another truck flew by and knicked the back corner of my T-bird (not shown). Luckily noone had a scratch, just neck and back pains later.
Chase V.
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