Chevy S10 hit by a 1994 Ford Escort Wagon Head on.
New Mexico
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August of 1997 I was on my way to my first day of school (my junior year in high school). I had two girls with me that day. My good friend was coming the other way on the highway and decided to swerve in front of me and play chicken. We hit head on going 65MPH a piece... My friend died at the scene that was driving the other car, one of the girls that was with me also died at impact... the other girl that was with me died at the hospital 3 hours later.
I was the sole survivor. I was flown to UMC in Tucson, AZ from New Mexico. I was put in a paralytic coma for 4 weeks. I was in the hospital a total of 3 months and 28 days. None of the doctors thought I would make it... I was put on a ventilator at 100%, meaning I couldn't breath on my own at all...Both lugs were punctured... My kidney was torn... I broke my pelvis on the right side, I have a titanium rod in my right leg... I broke all ribs on my right a whole lot more! All came out ok, except for a few scars.Pictured abovew are my 1988 Chevy S10.
Ryan C.
Submitted 1 June 2002
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