Chevy Silverado Meets Pole
Santa Cruz, California
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This picture is of my ex boyfriends truck, a 1998 Chevy Silverado.He only had this truck for about 4 months before the accident. It took place October 2, 2003. He was on his way to pick me up down a 2 lane road when someone in the on coming traffic was driving in his lane. As Steven (my ex) tried to avoid the car he over steered and hit some gravel which i believe pulled him right into a telephone pole.
After weeks on contacting the insurance company, they decided to toal it out. The only damage is what you can see. Engine was fine, it was just body damage. He had neck and back pain for a while,and that was it. Thankfully the airbags deployed!
By the way, the driver who swerved into his lane, did not stop.
Santa Cruz, California
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