Pontiac Racing Accident- Ejected
Street Racing a Mustang cobra I spun the tires on the launch but still tried to beat him, shifted and went didn't notice that the road narrowed to one lane from two at about a quarter mile mark, and there was no street lamps or visible signs. well going I guess 100MPH they said 130MPH but I don't think so not in a quarter mile.
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After Crash
Pontiac firebird formula WS6 Before The Accident:
Two of my best Buds (Phil left)(Matt right)
The accident happened on 06-12-99 It was midnight and I still to this day don't know what really happened I lost a lot of memory and have many pains because of it. Well here is what I was told what happened, I was quote "Street Racing a Mustang cobra I spun the tires on the launch but still tried to beat him, shifted and went didn't notice that the road narrowed to one lane from two at about a quarter mile mark, and there was no street lamps or visible signs. well going I guess 100MPH they said 130MPH but I don't think so not in a quarter mile.
Well I hit the curb loosing control and spun over the center line. just at the same time a ford probe was coming in the oncoming lane of traffic and smashed into my driver side five inches behind my seat.
Destroying my car, It snapped my rear axle off,my rear hatch off, my whole exhaust system, and the impact knocked me unconscious and ripped my seat belt causing me to smash into the windshield and be thrown about the car and then ejected out of the car and onto the pavement. I was found 50 feet from the car the axle was found 100feet from the car and the exhaust system in a tree 150feet away.Well I was hospitalized for a few weeks, however the person that I hit got trapped by his dash but only suffered a broken ankle and only spent a day in the hospital. lucky him."
Well that is how I was told it went there was no one to really know but the police. And I learned allot because of this accident. I no longer race, And whenever I get the chance
I try to help those who my tell me they have done these things and I try to teach them from my situation. Well Thank you for listen to my story. -John
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