Toyota Celica Speeding Crash
Sonora, California
It was speeding that caused the accident.
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It was 10:30 at night on April 12, 2004 in Sonora, California I was driving with my friend Caleb.
We were going to his house traveling 85mph in a 25mph zone. I approached a slight curve in the road and my 2000 Toyota Celica spun out of control. We flew up an embankment, my friends who were driving behind us said we flew 10 feet up into the air, did 3 heel-toe flips, went through a fence and a tree and then landed up-side down hanging from our seatbelts in a horse field. When still up-side down in my car, I heard my friends screaming.
All I could do was check to see if me and Caleb were still alive. After being carried to the road by Caleb, my friend Paul, who was in the car behind us called the police, it took them 20 min to get to the seen. I couldn't believe I had just wrecked my first car.
I am 18 and I had bought this car on my own and wrecked it 2 1/2 months after. No one had been drinking at all. It was speeding that caused the accident. My ! friend Caleb and I came out of the accident with a couple scrapes and bruises as well as some glass shards stuck in our heads and hands, but we had nothing broken and we could walk just fine. The Toyota Celica is a nice, strong built car. The built-in stock roll cage is was saved us.
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