Garbage Truck Crushes car
Murphysboro, IllinoisThis Garbage Truck Crash: Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 4
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I was going eastbound on Illinois hwy 3 on may way to Murphysboro IL, April 24th 2001 when a 2 ton trash truck pulled out in front of me at 55 mph I stepped on the brakes and started sliding I turned the wheel to the left and leaned to the left Ileft a 161 foot skid mark before I hit the truck.
If it wasnt for me being reclined in the seat I would have my head taken off. I recieved minor cuts and was takin to the took them 1 hour to get my car out from under the truck and 6 hours to get the truck of the road.I hit it so hard that it knocked the axel back breaking the leafsprings and there brackets. I HAVE LEARNED ONE THING FROM THIS PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN IL.!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted May 27, 2001
By William M.
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