1986 Ford tempo hit by Semi April 21, 2001
North Dakota
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Josh M., hit by semi truck loaded with lumber at 40 mph. Spent three days in OSU hospital with, three broken ribs, a stitched up face, and no spleen (they took the spleen because one of the ribs went through it)
The steering wheel was bent in front of the passenger seat, and the clutch pedal was bent under the brake pedal. I got hit so hard the key would not come out of the ignition! The reason I got hit was you can't see down the road in ether direction because there are trees in the way. He was only 30 feet away as I pulled out. Word of advice, if you have to, get out of your car to look around a corner. It be strange but it's not worth the broken bones!
Submitted by N. F. on May 26,2001
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