Honda Odyssey Hit by Ford F-150
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I was traveling on a windy back rural road January 31, 2003 at
about 9:30 in the morning in my 2000 Honda Odyssey when a Ford
F150 came towards me out of the bend in front of me out of control.
Apparently the driver hit black ice and hit the embankment on
the passenger side and then could never regain control of his
car. I never even was aware that there was any ice on the road!
Well, when I saw him at first like I said he was coming out of
a sharp bend in the road.
He was completely sideways in the road and I immediately thought
it was a joke or something and then quickly I realized it was
not. The posted speed was 40 miles an hour. I am not sure if
I was stopped at the time of impact or at the very least I am
sure I slowed down as I saw it coming but did not have any reaction
time. He spiraled towards me and then struck me with the side
of the truck first on my passenger headlight and the momentum
of the impact wrapped the truck around with a second impact on
my driver's side. Luckily, both airbags deployed and I remained
Getting out of the car I felt something in my mouth which were
chips of my teeth I guess from the jarring motion. I was taken
to the ER and later thru MRI's found bulging discs and upper
back and neck muscle strain/sprain. I had a black and purple
tongue at the scene of the accident so I must have really bit
it! I had multiple bruises on my legs, hips, butt and chest from
the seat belt. I still 3 months later am going thru treatment
due to pains in my shoulder and upper back. My car was totaled.
Neal S.

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