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Chevy Nova Crash
Winnepeg, MB, Canada
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One night, Oct 4, 1996... I was out with a friend and we were checking out a few cars he was looking at buying, and it was around 10pm, and we figured we'd go spend some money and go to the arcade at the university. We never made it.
I was coming down, (South bound) on Osborne St. in the curb lane, doing about 45 km/h (Under 30 mph) and I was coming around a bend and VIOLA!, right in front of me was a couple running across the street. They made it across 3 lanes and WHAM!, I hit this guy. His girlfriend made it across the street. I hit the brakes with both feet and was pulling on the steering wheel. WHAM!, he rolled about halfway up my hood, before being thrown about 20 feet in front of the car, and landed in the cross-walk, which was across the street from where I hit him.Right away I jumped out of the car, as did my friend. He was just lying there, my mind went blank. The guy's girlfriend was going nuts, and screaming/crying and yelling at him.. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP". It took 3 by-standers to pull her off of him. This one guy told me to move my car out of the way. I told him "NO WAY!!", the cops will be here, it's best to leave everything as is. I then ran across the street to a pay-phone to call 911. I was put on HOLD, (LOVELY!!). Luckly the firehall was 2 buildings down and someone had gone and alerted them. After hearing them coming, I hung up and went back to the scene. Some bystanders were attending to the guy on the road.
The police soon arrived, and asked who was the driver of the vehicle. I rose my hand and identified myself. He asked me to come with him, and he asked me to have a seat in the back of his police cruiser, (which was a Crown Vic, not too much leg room back there). My parents soon arrived at the scene of the accident as my friend had phoned them to tell them I was involved in an accident. I was scared, it was all happening so quickly. My mom came up to the cop car and through the back window, which was rolled down alittle bit asked me how I was doing. "OH GREAT!" I replied, "I hit some guy, smashed up my car and I'm seating in the back of a cop car.... HOW DO YOU THINK I'M DOING".
The street was closed off and the whole scene was being investigated. I was so scared. They were interviewing people who were by the bus stop who had seen it, people sitting outside of the cafe, and even were interviewing people in the bar, where they said he was coming from. All together about 22 people were interviewed. The police were treating this scene as a fatality as the guy I hit wasn't looking so good.
I asked the officers, who were now sitting in the cruiser with me, how he was doing. They said he didn't look good. I was then asked for my side of the story and I explained how I was coming down and WHAM!!. I was asked if I had been drinking or anything, I replied all I had to drink was a Lime Crush and the bottle was in the backseat of the car. They then informed me my car was being impounded. I was released and my parents drove me and my friend home. I kept thinking about all that happened, what did I do?, what could I have done different?.
Well, the next day my car was released, after it was mechanically inspected. I was unable to open the hood, as you can see, I hit him direct center of the hood. My grill was cracked in half and my hood latch was pushed into the rad. Oh!, and I noticed my empty pop bottle from the backseat was gone.
A few weeks later, well I was out driving, I was pulled over by the police, and they started to ask me about the incident. One cop recongized my car and told me that the gentlemen spent 11 days in the hospital, only suffered internal bleeding. They said the fact he was so drunk is what saved his life. After hearing that I was very much reliefed. After that night, I kinda freaked for abit... so many thoughts were going thru my head.
My Car was fixed in the Spring of 97, after spending most of the winter scouting junkyards for parts, the body found a hood in from Saskatchewan and my car was repaired. The insurance company then sued the gentlemen for the cost of the repairs to my car as he was deemed 100% at fault. The insurance company claimed 94% of the claim and I had to pay 6% of my deductible which was only $6.
I can see his face as he rolled up my hood.... alot of images are still clear in my head.... it was an experience I would not wish on anyone. I was really happy he survived.
Thanx for listening....
Wpg, MB, Canada
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