Chevy Rollover
Near Andover, Iowa
This Crash: Picture 2
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Location: In route to Andover, Iowa
Car: '89 Chevrolet Celebrity
Date: May 15, 2004
My wreck happened when me and three friends were going to a small town nearby. I was going about 45 - 50 miles per hour when the right wheel hit the gravel shoulder. The car began veering towards the right, I tried to correct it by turning left. The car then went too far left, went out of control and went off the road. It went into a ditch, hopped over, and rolled 2 or 3 times into a farmer's field, stopping upside down. I unfastened my seat belt and helped everyone else get out. Soon the paramedics from Andover came and sent us to Mercy Medical in Clinton, Iowa. We all recieved minor injuries but other than that we were fine.
Jason T.
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