Pontiac Bonneville 94, triple collision, Michigan
White Car Accident
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My wife was driving Bonneville on her way to office, city
road, exactly toward sunrise, at 35-40 mph. Front visibility
were VERY limited. She were changing lines to left line, when
was hit in rear by speeding Chevy Cavalier. Because of impact
she lost control and flew over the 5 foot medium to other side
of the road.
Hit iron pool by rear-left, and then had a front-left collision
with minivan following 35-40 mph in opposite direction. Cavalier
had only scratch on bumper, minivan's driver had minor injures.
My wife had couple of scratches and bruises. Left knee is still
weather-sensitive, but other than that, thanks God, everything
is fine. She was, as always, wearing seatbelt, and airbag triggered
right in time.
We had never doubt role of seatbelt, and always use them. As
Russians say, God cares about those who cares about themselves.
Vladimir T.

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