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I don't remember the crash at all, all I remember is driving down the road, then the next thing I remember is sitting on the ground covered in blood with someone rapping a blanket around me, the next think I knew I was in the ambulance and they were asking me a bunch of questions. I did not know what had happened, and kept asking where I was, and what had happened. Lucky for me I only sustained a concussion, lost a bunch of skin on the back of my head, received lasserations in my left arm, and couldn't walk for a couple of days.
The girl in the passenger seat was un injured, and the guy in the back who was not wearing his seatbelt got staples in his head.The passengers in the vehicle described it like this. We were driving down the road, I know I was going a little above the speed limit, I say 65, the police report says 85.
I swerved to avoid a car, and lost control on the black ice. We spun around and hit the median backwards, and flew across three lanes of oncoming traffic, and flipped 5 times. The car came to rest upside down, and I was un conscious, and had to be cut out. All I can say is WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!!!
Grant F.
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