I had just got my 1995 Nissan Fairlady Z Z32 (300ZX) imported from Japan. I was on a newly opened stretch of I-26 going to Asheville, NC. While leaving a rest stop, I reached to shift. Being a Right Hand Drive car, I reached on the wrong side. ![]()
Nissan Crashed Mistake Brake for Shifter
Asheville, NC
This Accident: Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 4
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In a hurry to reach for the shifter, I had mistaken the hand-brake for the shifter, causing me to loose control on the exit ramp of the rest stop. After doing a 360 at about 68 km/H (40 MPH) and jumping a curb, I hit a building off to the side. As you can see, my Fairlady won't be going anywhere soon.
--Josh B.
--Johnson City, TN
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