Mercury Sable Wrecked: Rearended by Bus at 45 mph
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On Wednesday, Feb 19, 2003, My neighbor, Mary, was on her way to take her 7 year old daughter to school. It was about 7:30 that morning, she was slowing down for the school zone which is a 20 mph drop from 35 to 15 when the school bus behind her never slowed up and slammed into the back of her 2002 Mercury Sable.
It turns out the completely loaded school bus was a little behind schedule and the driver's route had changed just the week before so she wasn't use to the school zone yet and was speeding (the police report said the bus was traveling at a speed of about 45 mph on impact). According to the school bus driver, a child in the back of the bus screamed because the young girl had her hair caught in the window and the driver turned around or looked up at the mirror to see why the young girl was screaming when she rearended marys car. Marys car wasn't totaled but it was close. the car (after the accident) was valued at just above $3,000.
Mary and her daughter are ok and thanks to something called "good parenting and literacy", Mary's daughter was riding, with her seatbelt on, in the backseat because Mary actually read the owners manual about small children and airbags. Mary was also wearing her seatbelt but she sprained her 5th and 6th vertabrae and her shoulder was cut by the seatbelt. All the children on the bus were ok and the schoolbus driver was suspended and, not long after, fired. I really like the idea of putting a site like this for public viewing. It's not just drunk driving that is dangerous. Reckless driving is out there! People need to realize that driving is a privilege and not something to take advantage of! PAY ATTENTION!!
-- Jordan B.
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