Jeep accident with an S-10 pickup truck,
Jonesboro, Georgia
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On Feb. 19th 2001, I was traveling East in the center lane on Hwy 54 with my granddaughter, in the rain at approximately 6:30 PM. The power had gone out due to the storm and there were no traffic lights. I was crossing the intersecion of Hwy 138 & Hwy 54, following another vehicle, with a vehicle on my right. The other vehicle was traveling West on Hwy 54 and attempted to make a left turn onto Hwy 138. He stuck my vehicle at the driver's side headlight and fender by the front tire.
I continued to the curb and drove up onto the grass to get out of traffic. He spun around coming to rest in the middle of the interction, facing East. My husband, who was on his way to meet me for dinner, arrived within minutes. The guy who hit me thought that he was just a passer-by trying to help. He apologized saying "I just didn't she her, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
My granddaughter and I were transported to the ER and leter released. I returned the next night, complaining of head aches and was given an CAT scan. A concussion was found. The police did not charge anyone, citing bad weather and lack of traffic lights. I thought that in a case where the traffic lights are not functioning, the intersection becomes a four-way stop and someone turning left across traffic should have yeilded! After waiting two weeks for my insurance company to react, I got the driver's insurance company's name from the police report and called them myself.
I was told the the guy had let his policy lapse and didn't have insurance. I was also told the he had already bought another vehicle and had insured it with the same company. I was still begging rides, waiting for my insurance company to get off their butt! This guy had gone on with his life! I did not have colission insurance on my 1987 Jeep, but did have uninsured motorist insurance. What can I do? I will forward pictures of both, my Jeep and his S-10 pickup truck.
Submitted 7 March 2001 by Tracey G.
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