Dodge Dakota Sport Accident
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
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Close up of The TreesI was traveling down a quiet country road in Ontario, Canada. Around 2pm Sunday June 22 2003, I came to the crest of a hill and noticed the road was very rough. I started to slow down and swerved to miss a large pothole. At 65 Kilometers and hour, My rear tires lost traction and I skidded sideways.
I couldn't slow down because the truck tires were hopping ( truck drivers know what I mean) I hit the tree head on, about 1 inch to my side of the ram emblem on the hood. My sunglasses were thrown off my face and the rear window shattered, sending glass all over me and my girlfriend. I ended up with a very bad sprain to my right ankle (because of the brake pedal) and a sore knee. My girlfriend had minor bruising due to the seatbelt. Both Airbags went off, giving me a bloody nose. I am proof.....SEATBELTS SAVES LIVES !!!!!
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
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