T-Boned Ford Tempo
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While coming home from work I was waiting in a bunch of traffic
sitting in the exit to 41st street from wal-mart.
When it was my turn to go left onto 41st street going north,
I waited for the lights to turn green and red again so it would
get cars out of the way for me to turn. Now, I've always been
a very careful driver, always watching. When I looked both ways,
twice, there was NO ONE coming either direction.
The lights on John Deere Road going east/west were red along
with the ones on 41st meaning the John Deere Road lights had
the green turn arrow. Well, coming out from Wal-mart you can't
tell that. Anyways, I started turning left onto my street when
half of my car was almost in my lane all the sudden a guy in
a thunderbird was barreling towards me and I looked straight
at him.
He had the look of "oh god where did she come from"
meaning he wasn't paying attention. He fishtailed twice and WAM!
t-boned my 93 Ford Tempo in the driver door. Of course my car
is totalled. He barely has any damage to himself or his car at
all. I on the other hand am in serious pain. He must have been
turning south as I was turning north cause he wasn't there when
I started turning and once I was almost finished turning he was
there and t-boned me. They say it's my fault but I don't see
how it could be if he was turning off the other road AFTER I
was already turning onto mine. You can't see who's coming off
that road from the opposite side from that exit.
Submitted 28 March 2002