Truck Roof Crush Accident
Oak City, Utah
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This accident happened at mile marker number 4 between Delta and Oak City, Utah. I was not there to witness the accident but I will tell you about the story from someone elses point of view. My future sister in law was going into Delta to meet my fiance and her mom for lunch. They were informed that Rachel was in the hospital due to an accident. What happened was she had reached down to crab something under the seat and strayed right and then she overcorrected to the left and overcorrected to the right and the rims of the truck caught the asphalt and her truck rolled 3 times.
Notice the picture on the back of the truck with the little opening between the seat and the top of the truck. She was thrown out through there while the truck was rolling SIDEWAYS! She was laying parallel right next to the truck.Left leg was dislocated, Right side pelvis, bottom pelvis, and tailbone area, and her right hip were all fractured, punctured and bruised lung and not a single scratch on her. Im amazed that girl is even alive! There was an angel watching over her for sure!
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