Escaped from Burning Car
Pennsylvania Turnpike
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I was in a 14 vehicle accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike on November 6, 2003. The vehicles in the accident included tractor trailors, dump trucks, SUVs, and cars.
The accident happened at about 6:30 p.m. on a rainy night and was initiated by a small car fire pulled off to the side of the road. The smoke from the fire mixed with the rain making visibility very poor and causing a chain reaction crash. I was in the center of the accident and basically pinned in from every side. My friend and I were not hurt and had to escape by climbing out of the passenger side window, which was broken, climbing over a car and away to safety. Not more than 30 seconds after we escaped from the vehicle, several cars went up in flames, mine included.
In the end, several people were injured and, sadly, one man died. If I could say one thing to help prevent future accidents I would say please slow down!
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