Honda Accord Meets Pole Accident
Carteret, New Jersey
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Collisions with Pole Pics
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There isn't much of a story I can tell about this accident.
I was driving past a service station the other day and could
not believe my eyes. I figured that judging by the looks of the
car that it went into a pole on the drivers side. I was right.
I kinda figured that the driver didn't make it out alive. I was
right. I stopped by yesterday and took these pictures. I talked
to the guy at the service station and he confirmed by suspicions.
All I know is what I've just told you. One sad thing, though...I
noticed a baby's car seat in the back seat. It didn't look touched.
I just pray that the baby was not in the car.
Also in two of the pictures, you can see blood on the passenger
seat as well as the inside of the roof.
I'm sending this out to all the aggressive drivers out there.
STOP!!! This could happen to you. I was hit by an 18 wheeler in October of 2003. It crushed the roof on the drivers side.
I don't have pictures handy at this time to send you, but in
the future I will. I crawled out of the passenger side window
covered in glass, but was not injured.
Stop driving aggressivly!!! It Kills!!!
Be a safe and carefull driver.
Your family needs you.

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