Chevy Beretta z26 vs 2 Trees
Ohatchee, Alabama
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Hi, this is Melanie. This is my bro's 1996 Chevy Beretta Z26.The accident occured
April,2000 around 2:00am in Ohatchee Alabama.
The story: my bro and one of his friends was on the way home
from a club when my bro saw 4 deer in the middle of the road
(but one of the deer came back towards the car) so he goes off
the road to try to avoid them and hits 2 trees.
The first tree turned him sideways then he slide in to the second
tree.Bro and his friend walked away with minor injuries. Bro
cut his hand open climbing out the window had to get 12 stiches.
They both were wearing seatbelts.Alcohol was involved.The car
stayed in the road till about 6:30 am.The car was totaled but
fixable,bro did not want it fixed cause it would never drive
right again. Bro thought he hit deer no evidence that ever happened.car
was only about a year or 2 old only had around 7,000 miles on
it when wrecked.He was 27 yrs old at the time of the accident.
Thanks for listening,bye.