Mitsubishi Eclipse Crash on Race Track
Holt, Florida
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I would like to take a minute of your time and tell you a little bit about my present situation due to a car accident that took place July 12, 2002.
On July 12, 2002 I was at the Emerald Coast Drag way, in Holt Florida. The occasion was for what is called a 'Test & Tune' night. This allows the general public to have access to the track in which to test their automobiles for their own personal reasons and has nothing to do with a 'Race, or a Contest". There is no prize, no award, no winner! Therefore No Contest or Race.
I was there due to the fact I had a 99 Mitsubishi Eclipse, that was a 'show car'. Meaning it was dressed up with neon lights, graphics, stereo equipment, things of that nature. We had recently experienced a rather bad oil leak, so had done some repairs to the car ourselves, so with this in mind we decided to take the car to the track to test the stress level on the engine to make sure the leak was in deed repaired and holding. We had been to the track many times before for similar instances and considered this to be a safe & legal place to put stress on your engine without the risk of going above legal speed limit laws on the street or danger of something happening to the engine and causing a problem for others or ourselves.
I was on the track, in the car alone! I was led to the left hand side of the track and another car, was led to the right side. As it is two sides and two automobiles can pass down the track at the same time safely. Or so you would think.
Anyway, the car in the right lane was flagged on down the track before me, then I was sent down. Approximately middle way down the track, I saw the tail lights of the other car and before I realized what was happening he turned directly across in front of me. He was attempting to exit what was considered an emergency exit instead of going the end of the track as was the correct procedure. When I saw the car cut across in front of me, I tried to avoid hitting him, by slamming my brakes and trying to turn my wheel away from him, towards the far left. But even though I slid approximately 65 feet, we collided at around 40 miles an hour. My front right bumper to his drivers side door, which slung us into the guard rail where we came to a stop. I remember his wife getting out of their car and helping him out and then coming to my door to help me out. The 3 of us made it over to the side into the grass and fell down... Soon after, an ambulance arrived and we were transported to a nearby hospital... . I was told then that my hand & wrist were broken in the places and required surgery. I was referred to an Orthopedic doctor. Who ended up doing the surgery on my right hand as well as the surgery on my shoulder, where and inch of my clavicle bone was removed and I still required another surgery for the rotator cuff.
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