Ford Taurus Meets Deer
Mystic, Connecticut
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This is my dad's car after he was involved in a accident with a deer on 95 south in Mystic Connecticut In July of 2003.
My Dad was driving to Mystic to help me with a flat tire. ( I'm one of those girls who call for daddy when they need help). To get to mystic from where we live in Rhode Island you have to get on 95 south. Well he was almost to where I was in Mystic when a dear came out of no where and and hit the front end of the car pushing it in as you can see and smashing in the driver side window. My Dad was so surprised that he kepted on driving until he got to where i was and i called the cops, they just laughed. CT and RI cops are really rude.
Amount of damage: $5,000
2 months later a cart at walmart hits the driver side door causing $1,000 wrouth of damages
Submitted: 1 February 2004
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