Dodge Stratus Crash
Asheville, North Carolina
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Hi, my name is John and this WAS my friends (Bean) stratus. Bean
is in the Marines(SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!!!!!!) and he went to
Afhganistan and left me and my roommate (Bryan) his car to fix
up. Well we had alot of work to do before we could fix it up.
On March 22, 2004 I had just got done doin a bunch mechanial
fixes on his car and was takin it for a test drive. I was drivin
and Bryan was in the pass. seat. We got to a long line at a red
light and being the asshole that i am, I got pissed and went
off road and around the line. At the front of a line there was
a semi that was turning left. (The way that I was goin) Well,
he wasnt on that little pad under that road that makes the light
turn. So i pulled up on the right side of the truck and tried
to look around him. He pulled forward. Well that pissed me off
even more and I gunned it.
There to meet me was a 1992 Lincoln town car. You know the big
big tanks of a car. Yeah SMASH!!! He hit me at about 60 mph.
I remember seein the lincoln symbol on the hood and then lights
out. I awoke to the car rollin down the grass toward the highway.
I pulled up the e-brake and tried to turn the car off but the
impact bent the steering column and the key wouldnt turn. Bryan
was still unconcious and had blood comin from his mouth.
I wasn't wearing my seat belt and that is probably the only thing
that saved me. If I had wore it it would have held me up agianst
the door and may have killed me. Bryan had a cracked lower jaw,
minor head trama, and some scratches. All I got was a sore left
hip, a big doctor bill and a ticket for not obeying a red light.
PRAISE GOD!!!(who is always with me) :) Bean was happy that we
were not killed and also happy cause the insurance company paid
off his car.
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