Neon Wreck on Slick Road
Winchester, Illinois
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My accident happened on Dec. 3 2003 at about 4:00 p.m. I was on my way home from school on a back country road. I was around Winchester Illinois. It was sleeting out and the road was slick. I was only driving about 20- 30 mph. I hit a slick spot on the road and my car hit gravel on the side of the road. I think that i hit the brakes which caused me to go across the road and hit more gravel. I somehow managed to do a 360 in the road before i went back across the road and hit the ditch. My car then flipped on its top and slid. I still am not a hundred percent of everything that happened because I blacked out while the accident was happening.
I had just got the car for my birthday in November. I got it on November 2 2003. I went to the ER and was there for about 3 hours. I had a slight concussion, sprained middle finger on my right hand, and a bruised nose from the airbag hitting me in the face.
Winchester Illinois
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