Ball Joint: Detached Tire Accident
Baltimore, Maryland
This Tire Wreck: Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5
This accident happened on route 195 in Baltimore Maryland around
10:00 at night on December 10 , 2004 there a pic of the same
car on the guard rail where the car finally stopped, another
one is a pic of 2 other cars that were involved and both of these
cars are totaled. None of us deserved this to happen to us same
truck. lol now we can run the license plate number. No one was
able to get any info about the driver. no name or nothin. all
we know is it was her boyfriends car damn female drivers lol
no offense to any female drivers i know only the ones that does
this kind of driving.

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