Neon Night Crashes
Glen Burnie,Maryland
I had to be cut out of the car because the dash board had my leg pinned.
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2003 Dodge Neon and$15,000.00 damage!
It happened on April 25,2004 at 3:10 am, in Glen Burnie,Maryland. Me and my fiance had been out to a club that night and after we left we had to pick up our 2month old daughter and 2 year old son. On our way home we decided to get off the highway and take ritchie highway where all the fixed up cars usually drive on the weekends. My fiance was driving because he didn't drink anything that night while we were out. I was in the passenger seat and I was turned around giving my son a french fry and when I turned back around we were already hoping the curb and the next I knew we crashed into a pole.My fiance had fell asleep while driving and hit the pole going 50mph. He was uninjured and so was our 2month old daughter. My son had a severe cut on his collar bone from the seat belt on his car seat. I had a broken right ankle, severe cuts and bruises all over my body and face. The airbag knocked all of my front teeth loose and severely cut my lip. I also had a concussion.
I had to be cut out of the car because the dash board had my leg pinned. No one even had to call the police, there was a police officer sitting at a Mcdonalds about a quarter mile down the road and he heard the impact.
I spent 14 hours in the Shock Trauma Center of Baltimore, the doctors and police said I was very lucky to be alive. They said 4 more inches to the center of the car and all of us would have died because the car would have blown up. But they said no matter what I should have been dead. My fiance was not charged with anything. I couldn't walk for 3months and when I got my cast taken off it took me almost 3weeks to be able to walk again.
I didn't even have this car for a year, I had just gotten it lowered 2 weeks before and I was scheduled to have 18" rims put on it the next day. This car was like my 3rd kid! I'm perfectly fine now and so are my children, needless to say I don't go out to clubs anymore and I definitely do not let my fiance drive anymore. I still cant get the imagine of us heading for that pole, nor the sound of the crash out of my head. I think it will haunt me for the rest of my life. But above all, I'm just thankful that I'm the one that got injured instead of my children.
My advice to everyone, please do not drive or drive withsomeone that is tired or has been drinking!
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