Chevy Monte Carlo Crash: Ice skid, hits Pole
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Collisions with Pole Pics
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Pic 3
Hello, my name is Johnathan,
and am a 16 year old male. I was driving my 1996 Chevy Monte
Carlo to school. I was driving down my road at about 35 mph on
January 6, 2004, when I hit a large patch of black ice.
I swerved out of control serveral feet, and finaly loosing total
control after getting in the dirt on the side of the road. After
that the car hit the telephone pole head on at 30-35 mph, then
spinning 180 deg. stoping in the ditch. The telephone pole cracke
din 3 spots the bottom pushed over, the middle part broke, went
over my widshield and hit the top of the car and the top part
dangled over the car being held by a cable and phone line.
The windshield was not broken by the pole, that was the airbag
lid. The paramedics said that if i would not have been wearing
my seatbelt i would have probably had much worse that a small
scratch on my hand, dislocated thumb, and whiplash. WEAR YOUR
Johnnathan Submitted: January 7, 2004

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