Cut Off Car Accident: Chevy Cavalier
Lubec, Maine
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Hi, my name is Greg, and this is my story about my sisters car. Sorry it took me so long to send this story. We live in Lubec, Maine. On the day of January 24, 2004. My sister went to Bangor, Maine to watch the high school basketball games. That day she had asked me if I wanted to go. I told her no because something didn't feel right. She said ok and left.
She was on her way home and going thro Brewer. She had just got done going to the mall and getting something to eat. She was in the right lane. When a truck was in the left lane. He was stopped for no reason. My sister didn't think anything of it. As she was about to pass him, this car out of no where came flying right in front of my sister. My sister was going at about 30 mph. She didn't see her until it was too late. She hit the brakes and left a black mark that is about six inches long. She didn't get to slow down to much. She hit the back passenger door. She dented the door in about three feet. If there was anybody sitting there would have been hurt seriously. The girl that was driving the other car was trying to enter a Citgo that my sister was passing in front of. She was a 17 year old girl.
Both cars went flying into the parking lot. Side by side pinning my sisters driver door. My sister had to crawl across the center console and while she was in a panike to get out. She broke the door. As soon as they crashed. My sister looks over and see the girl on a cell phone. She wasn't calling the cops. She had called her dad to let him know she had been in a accident.
Apparently this was her third accident she had been in. My sister had to go into the Citgo to call police, but witnesses and the store clerk had the police on the phone by the time my sister walked in. My sister was wearing her seat belt. She had to go to the hospital. The seat belt had dug into her hip. The police thought it had done something to her hip. My sister suffered a badly brused hip, whip lash, and a sore sholder. The car was a 1994 Chevy Cavalier. So there was no air bags. My sister said she wanted to wear her seat belt that day cause something didn't feel right to her either. The doctors and police said if she wasn't wearing her seat belt. More injuries could have happened. The other girl didn't suffer from any except the scare of her life. The truck that my sister was about to pass took off after she crashed. He watched it and then took off. Didn't stop to see if anyone was alright. Police said that if they were to find the person in the truck. My sister could file a lawsuit.
My sister now had a new car. She got a 1997 Chevy Cavalier. Same car just newer. The accident was the other girls fault. At first police were trying to pin it on my sister, but witnesses said it was the other girls fault.
My sister had put a lot of new parts on the car. Transmission was brand new. So she got a good amount for that too. The new parts is what got her the most money. But the moral of this story is to buckel up. My favorite saying. "Click it or ticket." Be safe and wear your seat belt.
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