Rollover Accident
Madison Wisconsin
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Madison Wisconsin Not sure of the exact date, i think it was 12-17-04 but im not possitive. My dad was driving to work (he works all over the state) and he was doing about 70mph, he was on a little bit of ice when a semi passed him, the gust of air from the semi must have been enough to push him nose first into the ditch and somehow going into the ditch at about 70MPH was enough to make it roll over several times in a Field. He was really lucky too, he carrys about 400-500 lbs. of tools and equipment in the back of his car for work and non of them came forward..he walked away with 2 scratches on his forehead from the window breaking.
His seatbelt definately saved his life, a truck that was like 2 cars behind him stopped to check what happened and said he though for sure my dad was dead.
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